Norcal's Flame

IPO BH, FPr1, DNA Profile

Flame is our ''catdog'' ! She was produced by Norcal's American Bulldogs in California, but we got her at almost 3 years old from her first owner Damon Gennings in Indiana, who had already started a serious Schutzhund training with her, and who got her IPO BH.


Flame is down of one of the highest performance bloodline in the American Bulldog. I had already heard about these dogs and saw some of their accomplishments, but I had never met one of them before I got Flame.


Every week she does something that I'd have never thought a bulldog could physically do lol...when she does some trick and I think this was over the top impressive, not so long after she will do something even more impressive! She is amazing! Really fast, athletic and agile like a cat, she never stops to impress me!


Flame has very good working ability, a crazy high energy level, but she is at the same time very lovely and sweet. She is not dominant, not mean at all. She even gets along with adults of the same sex as her, which is rare in this breed especially for a female.


Flame is a tall female of more than 23 inches, she has a nice structure and good muscle tone. I am so happy to have that awesome female with such great physical capacities. She has exceeded all my expectations, and she will be a great, important asset to our breeding program. 

BORN: 1/15/11


WEIGHT: 70 lbs






Elbows: Normal


N.C.L : CLEAR (Parental Clear)


ICHTHYOSIS : pending